NEWS! September 2024, Alaleh received the Blue Fingers Award at AES Annual meeting at SciX, Raleigh NC (2024)
Congratulations Alaleh!NEWS! April 2023, The cover image of our latest publication has been selected by the Journal Analytical Chemistry for its upcoming issue.
Congratulations Olivia as the first author of this paper!
NEWS! April 2023, Alaleh received the Graduate Research Award in biomedical and chemical engineering program at RIT
Congratulations Alaleh!
NEWS! April 2023, Nuzhet received an award for Outstanding Service to International Students in RIT
Congratulations Nuzhet!
NEWS! April 2023, Nuzhet received an award for Best Oral Presentation in RIT Graduate Showcase
Congratulations Nuzhet!
NEWS! May 2022, Microscale BioSeparations (MBS) Lab Summer Celbration!
We had our Summer lunch together featring spicy indian food!
NEWS! April 2022, Alaleh and Curran's paper has been accepted by Analytical Chemistry!
Congratulations Alaleh and Curran! This is a paper that demosntrates the separation of almost identical microparticles. The title of the paper is : "High Resolution Charge-based Electrokinetic Separation of Almost Identical Microparticles" link
NEWS! January 2022, Alaleh received the Best Student Paper Award from the journal ELECTROPHORESIS!
Congratulations Alaleh!
NEWS! December 2021, Microscale BioSeparations (MBS) Lab Holiday Celbration!
We had our Holiday lunch together, which included a large slice of cake!
NEWS! Decemeber 2021, Alaleh just ublished her fisrt paper on our lab!
Alaleh Vaghef-Koodehi just published her fist paper with our laboratory. Alaleh wrote an excellent review article, the citation infromation is below: Congratulations Alaleh!Vaghef-Koodehi, A.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.*; Microscale electrokinetic-based analysis of intact cells and viruses, Electrophoresis, in press, 2021. I.F. 3.535. link

NEWS! May 2021 Nicole Hill defended ther PhD Dissertation
On May 6 2021, Nicole Hill sucessfully defended ther PhD Dissertation, Nicole published 9 jounral articles from her work in our lab and she received three external research awards. Congratulations Dr. Hill!
NEWS! April 2021 Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas received the 2020-2021 RIT Board of Trustees Scholarship Award
Dr. Blanca Lapizco Encinas is the recipient of the 2020-2021, RIT Board of Trustees Scholarship Award.
NEWS! October 2020 - Nicole Hill received the 2020 Blue Fingers award from the AES Society
The award wass presented during the SciX 2020 virtual meeting. Official announcement .Congratulations Nicole! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1705895).

NEWS! January 2020 - Abbi Miller received the 2019-2020 Outsdanding Undergraduate Scholar (OUS) Award
As a 2019-2020 Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar, Abbi will be honored at a reception, award ceremony and dinner that will begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Gordon Field House and Activities Center on Thursday, March 19, 2020.
The Microscale Bioseparations Laboratory celebrated Christmas
We enjoyed a great chocolate cake and apple cider!
The Microscale Bioseparations Laboratory celebrated a Taco night
We enjoyed super tasty vegan tacos!
News! October 2019 - Nicole Hill received the Wiley Innovation Award and the FACSS Student Poster Award at the SCiX 2019 Conference!
Nicole Hill (3rd year Microsystems Engineering PhD student) received TWO Awards during the SCiX 2019 Conference: the Wiley Innovation Award and the FACSS Student Poster Award during the SCiX 2019 Conference held in October 2019 in Palm Springs, CA..Congratulations Nicole! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1705895).

Picture of Nicole receiving both awards.
NEWS: August 2019 - Abbi Miller and Cody Lentz presented their research at the 2019 RIT Undergraduate Symposium. Positive approval assessments from both parties were received.

NEWS: October 2018 - Adriana Coll de Peña and Nicole Hill received a Travel Grants from the AES Eletrophoresis Society
Adriana Coll (BME student) and Nicole Hill were awarded each a Travel Grant to attend the 2018 AES Annual Meeting at Scix, Atlanta GA (10/2018). in MinneapolisCongratulations Adriana and Nicole! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1705895).

NEWS: August 2018 - Adriana Coll de Peña, Cody Lentz, and Samuel Hodalgo-Caballero presented their research at the 2018 RIT Undergraduate Symposium

NEWS: November 2017 - Eric Goodrich received a Travel Grant from the AES Eletrophoresis Society
Eric Goodrich (4th year BME student) was awarded a Travel Grant during the AES 2017 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis MN. Only two undergraduate students received this award during the 2017 AES Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 11/2017.Congratulations Eric! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160).

NEWS: September 2016 - Maria Romero-Creel received a research award at SCIX conference
Maria Romero-Creel (5th year BME student) was was awarded first place at the FACCs student poster competition at the 2016 SCIX Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 9/2016.Congratulations Maria! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160).

News! October 2016 - Mario Saucedo-Espinosa received the Tomas Hirschfeld Scholar Award at the SCiX 2016 Conference!
Mario A. Saucedo-Espinosa (4th year Microsystems Engineering PhD student) was selected by the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) Student Award Committee to receive the Hirschfeld Award. The awarding ceremony took place in September, during the SCiX 2016 Conference (link) at Minneapolis, MN.Congratulations Mario! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160).

Here is a picture of Mario receiving his award from the FACSS Governing Board Chair, Dr. Steven Ray.
August 2016 - Our paper on the refinement of current monitoring for low conductivity media was selected as one of the “Editor’s Picks”!
Our journal article: "Refinement of current monitoring methodology for electroosmotic flow assessment under low ionic strength conditions" was selected as one of the Editor’s Picks of the journal Biomicrofluidics, issue 10 of 2016.Congratulations Mario! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160).
July 2016 - Mario Saucedo-Espinosa was awarded the First Place in the AES/BioMicrofluidics Art in Science Competition
The image "Miscarried Separation in a SpiderChannel Microdevice", created by Mario A. Saucedo-Espinosa (4th year Microsystems Engineering PhD student), was chosen as the First Place Award recipient for the AES/BioMicrofluidics Art in Science Competition (link). His image will be featured as the online cover for the Biomicrofluidics Special Issue focusing on the 2015 AES Annual Meeting (Biomicrofluidics; 10, 2016).This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160).

Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas received four awards during the 2016 sholarship celebration of the KGCOE at RIT
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas received a total of four awards during the 2016 sholarship celebration of the KGCOE at RIT. One award was for teaching and 3 awards for research. The awards were: for "Exemplary Performance in Teaching," "Research Expeditures,"Exemplary Performance in Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers" and "Exemplary Performance in Externally Disseminated Works" (April 2016).February 2016 - Our paper on particle polarization was awarded the journal cover!
Our journal article: "Polarization behavior of polystyrene particles under direct current and low frequency (<1 kHz) electric fields in dielectrophoretic systems" was warded the cover of the journal ELECTROPHORESIS, issue 4 of 2016.Congratulations Everybody! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160).

January 2016 - Our paper on asymmetric posts was awarded the journal cover!
Our journal article: "Dielectrophoretic manipulation of particle mixtures employing asymmetric insulating posts" was warded the cover of the journal ELECTROPHORESIS, issue 2 of 2016.Congratulations Everybody, in particular Mario Saucedo-Espinosa, this is an excellent research project! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160).

November 2015 - Alexandra LaLonde and Maria Romero-Creel received research Awards at AIChE conference
Alexandra Lalonde (5th year BME student) was was awarded first place and Maria Romero-Creel (4th year BME student) was awarded the second place at the undergraduate separations poster competition at the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 11/2015, (link).Congratulations Alexandra and Maria! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160). For further information, visit Alex's page and Maria's page

November 2015 - Mario Saucedo-Espinosa received a Research Award at the AES-AIChE conference
Mario A. Saucedo-Espinosa (3rd year Microsystems PhD student) was awarded first place at the 2015 AES Electrophoresis Society graduate student poster competition, during the AES Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 11/2015. (link).Congratulations Mario! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160). For further information, visit Mario's page.

July 2015 - Alexandra LaLonde and Maria Romero Creel published their second paper together
Alexandra Lalonde (4th year BME student) and Maria Romero-Creel (3rd year BME student) published a study on cell viability after exposure to electric fields. This is their second publication together, this is a research project that they led. (link).Congratulations Alexandra and Maria! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160). For further information, visit Alex's page and Maria's page
April 2015 - Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas receives Scholarship Award from the KGCOE at RIT
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas received an Awards for Exemplary Performance in Externally Disseminated Works" from the College of Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology.December 2014 - Alexandra LaLonde is featured in the RIT Athenaeum!
Alexandra Lalonde (4th year BME student) was featured in the RIT Athenaeum for her achievements in publishing peer-reviewed journal articles as a first author (link).Congratulations Alexandra! This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160). For further information, visit Alex's page.

November 2014 - Mallory Rauch receives poster Award at the 2014 AIChE Meeting
Mallory Rauch (4th year BME student) was awarded Honorable Mention at the 2014 AES Electrophoresis Society graduate student poster competition, during the AES Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 11/2014. Note: this is a graduate student competition; it was impressive for Mallory to be among the top presenters, since she is an undergraduate. (link).Congratulations Mallory! For further information, visit Mallory's page. This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (Award CBET-1336160).

May 2014 - Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas is the 2013 Scholarship Featured Faculty for the KGCOE at RIT
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas was selected to represent the Kate Gleason College of Engineering as the featured Faculty for the 2013 Faculty Scholarship report. Dr. Lapizco-Encinas had a very productive year in 2013 in terms of publications and external funding. Further information is available on the official Scholarship site at RIT (May 2014).April 2014 - Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas receives two Scholarship Awards from the KGCOE at RIT
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas received two Awards for "Exemplary Performance in Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers" and "Exemplary Performance in Externally Disseminated Works" from the College of Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology.November 2014 - Mario receives travel award to attend the 2014 AES-AIChE Meeting
Mario Saucedo-Espinosa(2nd year Microsystems PhD student) received a travel award from the AES Electrophoresis Society, to attend the AES-AIChE annual meeting.Congratulations Mallory! For further information, visit Mario's page.
August 2013 - Mario joined MBS Lab!
M.Sc. Mario Saucedo-Espinosa joined MBS Lab in August 2013. Mario is a PhD student in Microsystems Engineering. Mario comes with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Systems Engineering from Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico. Mario has been awarded a very prestigious FULBRIGHT-Garcia Robles Fellowship.Congratulations Mario! For further information, visit Mario's page.
July 31st 2013 - Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas obtained an NSF grant
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas has been officially notified of the award and funding of her very first NSF grant. The award was granted to support her proposal titled " Rapid and Dynamic Cell Assessments in Dielectrophoresis-Based Microfluidic Devices." Dr. Lapizco-Encinas is the single Principle Investigator of this National Science Foundation Grant as part of their Fluid Dynamics Program. Information regarding the grant can be found via the NSF website.May 2013 - MSB Lab receives TWO FEAD grants
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas and Dr. Karuna Koppula have received each one Faculty Education and Development Grant Program FEAD) grants.- Dr. Lapizco-Encinas received a FEAD grant for the project "ctive particle manipulation with dielectrophoresis in microfluidic devices and development of a microfabrication and electrokinetic module for an upper level elective for Biomedical and Chemical Engineering students."
- Dr. Koppula received a FEAD grant for the project Advancing the mathematical modeling of dielectrophoresis-based microdevices, with development of microfluidics learning modules for Chemical Engineering students."
January 2013 - Dr. Aytug Gencoglu joined MBS Lab .
Dr. Aytug Gencoglu is the new postdoctoral researcher at the MSB Lab. He recently obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Michigan Technological University. He comes with significant microfluidics experience. Visit Aytug's page.December 15th 2012 - MBS Lab is moving to a brand new building!
On January 3rd 2013 we will be moving to "Institute Hall" a brand new building at Rochester Institute of Technology. Our lab will ocupy 750 ft2 of new space, including an office for graduate students, a microscopy room and general laboratory space. See more details hereNovember 2012 - Microscale BioSeparations (MBS) lab is looking for two PhD students to start in the Fall 2013
Interested students please email Professor Blanca Lapizco-Encinas for any questions at bhlbme@rit.eduNovember 2012 - Bobby Adams and David Olney presented their research at the 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh PA.
Their posters were part of the Undergraduate poster session, in the separations division.See pictures here, , here
Roberto will be joining Tecnologico de Monterrey as a Researcher
Roberto will start his new job at Tecnologico de Monterrey on July 2nd 2012. He will be joining the BioMEMS Research Chair as Reseacher. We wish Roberto the best now that he is starting his independent research career. CONGRATULATIONS ROBERTO!Roberto defended his PhD Dissertation on May 14, 2012
Roberto C. Gallo-villanueva defended his PhD Dissertation on May 14 2012. Roberto received the "Distinguished Dissertation Award", which is the highest honor that Tecnologico de Monterrey awards at the PhD level. Dissertation Title: “Design, Applications and Performance of Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Devices” CONGRATULATIONS ROBERTO! See pictures here , here , here , and hereBobby Adams awarded a reseach medal and first place at the "7th Annual Student Research Day"
Bobby Adams was awarded first Place at the "7th Annual Student Research Day", Bobby also received a Research medal in the Chemical Engineering Biomolecular Concentration section, with the poster "Insulator based Dielectrophoresis: effect of insulator geometry on particle trapping". April 2012. See pictures here and hereBobby Adams obtained URECA! grant
Bobby Adams was awarded a URECA grant! The URECA (Undergraduate REsearch and Creative Activity) Program provides monetary assistance for undergraduates who pursue research and creative activities, April 2012.Outstanding Professor Award by Omega Chi Epsilon (OXE)
Omega Chi Epsilon (OXE), which is the the American honor society for chemical engineering students, granted to Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas the Outstanding Professor Award in April 2012.
Guest Editor for "DIELECTROPHORESIS 2013"
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas has been invited as “Guest Editor” for the journal ELECTROPHORESIS, the invitation is to edit the special issue entitled “Dielectrophoresis 2013”. This special issue is to be published in April 2013. This is second time this special issue is Edited. Dielectrophoresis 2011 was published with great sucess in September 2011.Dielectrophoresis 2011: see issue 17 from volume 32 of Electrophoresis
Dielectrophoresis 2011: see issue 18 from volume 32 of Electrophoresis
Keynote Speaker at the ITP 2012
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas has been invited Invited as Keynote Speaker at the ITP 2012—19th International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separation Techniques, September 30 – October 3, 2012, Baltimore Inner Harbor Maryland, USA See ITP 2012 WebpageDr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas has been elected Vice-President of AES
In October 2011 Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas was Elected Vice-President of the American Electrophoresis Society. See AES's pageDeputy Editor of the Journal Electrophoresis
In August 2011 Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas was apointted Deputy Editor of the Journal Electrophoresis. See Journal's pageHéctor is now a PhD Candidate!
In August 2011 Héctor officially passed the PhD qualifying examinations at Tec de Monterrey, Héctor is now a PhD Candidate, his expected grduation date is December 2012. Héctor has now 4 published journal articles and several conference presentations. See Héctor's pageHéctor is at Michigan Tech
Héctor started in June 2011 a one-year research stay at Michigan Tech, Héctor is visiting the Lab of Dr. Adrienne Minerick See lab WebsiteRoberto is at Virginia Tech
Roberto started in January 2011 a one-year research stay at Virginia Tech, Roberto is visiting the Lab of Dr. Rafael Davalos See lab WebsiteInvited Seminar
Dr. Blanca H. Lapizco was invited to give a seminar on January 25th, 2011 at the Chemical Engineering Department at Tennessee Tech University.Dr. Blanca Lapizco has been granted Level II by SNI (Mexican Researchers System)
Dr. Blanca H. Lapizco has been granted Level II by SNI, SNI is the Mexican Researcher's System. Dr. Lapizco is the first female scientist to be awarded SNI level II at CINVESTAV-Monterrey"Invitations as "GUEST EDITOR" by ELECTROPHORESIS
Dr. Blanca H. Lapizco was invited as Guest Editor by the Journal Electrophoresis, to edit the special issue "Dielectrophoresis 2011" See call for papersInvited Seminar
Dr. Blanca H. Lapizco was invited to give a seminar on September 10th, 2010 at the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at Arizona State University.Javier defended his MSc Thesis
Javier L. Baylón-Cardiel defended his MSc Thesis on May 14th 2010, Javier finished his MSc in 3 semesters!CONGRATULATIONS JAVIER!!
Héctor defended his MSc Thesis
Héctor Moncada-Hernández defended his MSc Thesis on December 7th 2009, Héctor finished his MSc in 3 semesters! Héctor's first paper as a fisrt author got accepted on December 17th 2009.CONGRATULATIONS HÉCTOR!!
The article "DNA manipulation by means of insulator based dielectrophoresis in the presence of a DC electric fields" was awarded the cover of ELECTROPHORESIS, volume 30, issue 24, December 2009. This research was carried out by Roberto C. Gallo Villanueva and Carlos E. Rodríguez López Congratulations Roberto and Carlos!Elected as Councilor of the American Electrophoresis Society
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas was selected as a Councilor of the American Electrophoresis Society, November 2009.Induction to the Mexican Academy of Sciences
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas was inducted as a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences in October 2009, she is the only female member at CINVESTAV-MonterreyRECONOCIMIENTO
Dr. Blanca Lapizco was invited to "Los Pinos" to meet the first Lady Lic. Margarita Zavala, as one of the female scientists awarded with the L'oreal "For women in science" award (March 2009).